From the beginning, we’ve wanted EB5 Capital to be different from other companies. Different in how we treat our clients, different in how we work with each other, and different in the results we achieve. These differences are best captured in the 25 “Fundamentals” that are the foundation for our unique culture.

Do what you say you’re going to do when you say you’re going to do it. Be someone everyone can count on. If a commitment can’t be honored, notify others early and agree on a new deliverable.

What got us here is not the same as what will get us to the next level. Get outside your comfort zone, rather than stubbornly hanging on to old ways of doing things. Be excited by the possibilities that change and growth bring. Be resilient and flexible when things don’t go as planned.

Seek out and take advantage of opportunities to gain more knowledge, to increase your skills, and to become a greater expert. Be curious and resourceful about learning and sharing best practices. Teach others when you learn something valuable.

Recognize we all have personal lives that impact our work; have empathy for your teammates’ unique situations. Help others protect boundaries by respecting time off. To uphold our high standards and operate at our best, we must also take time to recharge.

Recognize people for going above and beyond. Say ‘thank you’ warmly – and mean it. Regularly extend meaningful acknowledgment and appreciation to team members of all levels and stakeholders.

Demonstrate a passion for excellence and take pride in the quality of everything you do. Always ask yourself, “Is this my best work?” Every conversation, phone call, e-mail, letter, and even facial expression sets a tone and creates an impression – make it your best.

Get to know your stakeholders and team members on a more personal level. Strong relationships enable us to work through difficult issues and challenging times more successfully. Embrace the diversity of our team and strive to be inclusive of all team members, especially those who are different from you.

Take a forward-looking, solutions-oriented approach to problem solving. Resist being defensive and own up to your mistakes. Identify the lessons learned after every obstacle and use those lessons as opportunities to improve. Strive to never make the same mistake twice.

While effort is important, people expect results. Set high goals and revisit them often, use measurements to track your progress, and hold yourself accountable for achieving those results.

Don’t let your ego get in the way of doing what’s best for the team. Worrying about who gets credit or taking things personally is counterproductive. Make sure every decision is based first on advancing team goals.

Demonstrate an unwavering commitment to upholding the integrity of every action you take and in every decision you make. The true measure of your character is what you do when nobody is watching. Be truthful, honorable, and act with the best intentions.

Discuss expectations early and often to avoid misunderstandings down the road. Set expectations for others and ask when you are not clear on what is expected of you. End all meetings by confirming your team members’ understanding on assignments, timeframes, and next steps. When in doubt, over-communicate.

Be willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish the job… plus a little bit more. Whether it’s starting early, staying late, or doing something that’s not in your job description, it’s the extra mile that separates the ordinary from the extraordinary.

Respond to questions and concerns timely, whether it’s in person, on video, or by Slack and email. This includes simply acknowledging that we got the question, and we are working on it. Responding quickly shows that you care.

Strong processes are the foundation of organizational effectiveness. Create systems and processes that support our ability to perform with consistency and accuracy yet have the flexibility and foresight to recognize when it’s appropriate to deviate from the process.

Take personal responsibility for making things happen and do what is necessary to achieve the assigned goal. Show initiative, be resourceful, and be accountable for driving projects through to the finish line. Identify the owner of every project and task, no matter how small.

Give others your undivided attention. Be present, engaged, and open to feedback. Minimize the distractions and let go of the need to voice your response immediately. Suspend your judgment and be curious to know more, rather than jumping to conclusions.

Ask enough questions to get absolute clarity about the goal or the problem we’re trying to solve. Know what success looks like for all stakeholders. Before others can understand what to do or how to do it, they must first understand why. Explain the big picture.

Speak honestly and directly in a way that helps to make progress. Say what you mean, and be willing to ask questions, share ideas, or raise issues that may cause conflict when it’s necessary for team success. Be courageous enough to say what needs to be said, yet with grace and diplomacy.

Be ridiculously helpful. Find ways to make working with you easier. Be kind – especially in stressful situations. Don’t wait for someone to ask for assistance if you recognize a team member could use a helping hand.

Have a passion for your work and be fully engaged every single day. Make the most of each day by approaching every task with energy and purpose. Positivity is contagious – make an effort to lift others up through your positive attitude.

Regularly evaluate how we work to get things done better, faster, and more efficiently. “Because we’ve always done it that way” is not a reason. Guard against complacency.

Identify your priorities and work on them first. Be organized and plan for maximum efficiency. Look ahead and be thoughtful about your schedule. Have a game plan for your meetings, your tasks, and your workday.

With appropriate respect for confidentiality, share information throughout our organization, especially when it may have broad impacts. The more people know, the better we can collaborate. Learn to ask yourself, “Who else needs to know this?”

Have a sense of humor and find opportunities to make someone smile or laugh. Share a personal story or a goofy picture of your kids or pets. We spend a third of our day working – keep it fun!